Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dhal 4 Stanza 9-12

Stanza 9
O Brother! Do not feel elated or grieved by the fruits of good or evil Karmas. These are modifications of matter. They come into being, they vanish, they are not permanent. Out of a million talks keep this truth in your mind. Break off all trammels of the world, and concentrate your attention on the SELF.

All the karma that we have is because of the deeds of our past. Whatever we soe is what we reap. Whatever body we have keeps on changing. Everything we come across is changeable and nothing is permanent. There is no point to run around anything. Even if we get what we want then it is an impermanent accomplish
All karma and external circumstances are all changing. We should only run behind the thing that is ever permanent and never changes which is the soul. Break off all the trammels of the world and concentrate your attention on the self. Do not get relieved with good karma and angry with bad karma, There is no point of running behind these things and there is not
Stanza 10
After having obtained right knowledge acquire Right Conduct. It is classified as partial or complete. A layman avoid injury to mobile being and does not purposelessly hurt immobile beings. He does not utter words which are harsh, reproachable or incentive to killing.
Knowledge comes first then the conduct comes. First the revelation then someone follows it. Right conduct can only be called right conduct if it is accompanied with right knowledge. For example, lets say Anything we do we should know the knowledge behind it. If you do it you have conduct but you do not know what you are doing.
You follow it partially and completely. Partially is by house holders and completely is by monks.
All the souls follow the same laws.
A lay man avoids injury
Compassion is the root of the dharma. You see a tree. What is the root of the tree. The r root is actually from where the tree starts. Similarly compassion is the root of dharma. The root is the one which is the most important in the tree. Similarly The human life is worth nothing with compassion. What is compassion? When you see suffering inside you also feel suffering. When somebody gets hurt then you feel some suffering inside. Why do we have compassion? Compassion is there because we have love. We have love for almost everybody. The love we have is called Matri and Mittha Bhavana.

Love is of different kind. Friends, parents, Respect is a kind of love. Respect for the lord, someone who has saved us life, elders. The same love gets transferred into our kinds Vadsalya. When we have love for everybody how can we kill anyone or hurt anyone. The love can heal our hatred.

Two Types of Living beings
Mobile human
Immobile plants
A lay man also does not utter words which are harsh and he takes care of his words and makes sure that they are goods an d that they are harsh and that they are sweet and good for others.

Stanza 11
Partial conduct
Right Conduct two types partial and complete.
He does not take anything, except water and earth, which has not been given to him. He remains unattached to all females except his wife. Keeping in view his circumstances, he limits his possessions. He also limits his movements in the ten directions; and does not transgress such limits.
This layman who is following partial conduct he does not steal anything except earth and water. He only indulges with his wife and considerers all other women as his sister, mother, and daughter. Vow of celibacy. He would only keep their possessions that are useful. If one job is enough for hi m he would keep that. He limits his money, property, clothes, and positions that he can have.
He limits his movements in the directions. He does not cross over those limits. He does that so that he does not have any attachments.
Stanza 12
Within these limits he further limits his activities to a village, a lane, a house, a garden, market, and thus avoids all the rest. He is not anxious over anybody's financial loss, or failure or success. He offers no advice in respect of such matters. Commerce and agriculture also lead to sin.
Evil thoughts
One should not give such advice as where there is violence involved Trade or agriculture But give advice for when there is something good.

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