1) childhood
2) youth/prime
3) old age.
in the childhood, the soul doesnt have knowledge, it doesnt know whats right or wrong (vivek, samyakta).
In youth, he gets engaged in sensory pleasure, gets focused in the career, tries to earn money, remains engaged in sansar.
In old age, he is half dead, and doesn't have the energy or enthusiasm to learn about Dharm and realize its true nature.
Theres another example of a sugar cane.
When its in the field, it has roots, then theres juice in between, and on the top there are leaves. THis represents 3 stages of it.
The bottom part is the root, its childhood
the juice is the youth,
the old age is the leaf.
When we use sugarcane, only the juice is useful, similarly, when a man has to understand his own nature, he must engage only in the tasks that are most useful, hence the youth is the only age when he is healthy and can attain knowledge most effectively.
The problem that comes in youth is the attraction towards sensory pleasure, fame, money, passion etc. He can give these things up, give up his distractions that are there due to his arrogance. To satisfy their ego, they build up piles of wealth, possessions (engages in parigraha). This leads him to have no time to find motivation/time to do the right dharma
Primer to Karma
There are infinite souls in the universe, and they keep traversing from one state to another, sometimes they are in suffering, sometimes in happiness. They have to bear the fruits and evils of their deeds/thoughts/speech, and we are where we are due to our past. We take complete responsibility for it, noone else has influenced or brought us to our state
dravya karm-
They are infinitely small particles of karma.
Bhaav karma- doing something bad to someone gets attached with a time stamp to it, and they lets suppose give fruit after some yrs, and they will start giving us unfavorable conditions, and also negative emotions like anger/greed/ego etc
Nirjara :
- 1) asrav - influx of karma
- 2) bandh- bondage (and also timestamp when they'll give fruits... and also intensity, with what intensity to give fruits)
- 3) samvar- stoppage of influx, when we overcome our 4 greed pride anger deceit
- 4) Nirjara- Shedding of Karma
a) akaam - when karma comes into rise, it gives its fruits, and when it gives its fruits, it gets shed. So either you benefit, or suffer, but after that its shed
b) sakaam - penances, in order to dissociate karma, in this he doesnt bear the fruits of the karma, they simply get destroyed. Tapasvis are an example, where they destroy their penance through tap (penance)
soul gets attached thru contraction and expansion, and there are 2 types of karmic particles
1) passive
2) active.
with the process of yoga, the passive starts turning active. At the time, whatever emotion you're doing, the active ones get some kind of timestamp and intensity
if you;re going on a boat which has a hole, the process of entering the water is called asrav, when it gets bonded to the boat, its called bandh, and covering the hole is called samvar, and when you start bailing the water out, its called nirjar
Moksh = zero karma, can't attain moksh if there is any Karma left attached.
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