Quick Review of Dhal 1
Stanza's 1-16
All living beings in the three worlds (upper, middle, and lower) are craving for happiness and are afraid of sufferings. The living being is suffered because he did not understand the real nature of the self. The association of the four realms of existence is not the reason for one to be unhappy. Still he maintains oneness with the alien substances in the universe resulting in suffering. In this chapter the Author, Kavivar Pandit Daulatram, explains the results of the seven mistakes as narrated in the second chapter. These mistakes are the reasons why the soul is unhappy and suffering in the transmigratory cycle of life and death leading to the endless wandering within the four realms of existence. He enters into the human, subhuman, celestial, and infernal existence and ends up suffering. In these four realms, the lowest form of life (nigodh) is the worst where the soul has only one sense of touch and ends up spending infinite period of time. It is possible that after spending sometime in the remaining of one sense life, the soul gets a chance to come out and enters into two- sensed to five- sensed. In extreme rarity, he becomes a human with possession of five senses and the mind. In the human life, one can persevere in the right direction leading to the understanding the real nature of the self, which ultimately leads to the path of liberation. This ultimately ends the misery of the cycle of life and death.
Dhal 2
Why those sufferings exist?
Here is a story that illustrates this .
There was a stray monkey going around looking for food. He finds a pot. The pot has a thin neck and fat bottom. He sticks his hand in the pot and grabs a hand full of beans. Then when he tries to pull his hand out, it does not come out so he screams because the beans are in his hand and they made his hand bigger. The root of his suffering is his ignorance. Because of the ignorance he did not know why it happens and began crying and shouting.
Stanza 1
Aise Mithyaa Drug-Gyaan_Charannavash,
Bhramat Bharat Dukh Janm-Maranna;
Taatain Inkoon Tajiye Sujaan
Suni Tis Sankshep Kahoon Bakhaani.
The living being wanders in this universe and suffers the pains of birth and death because of wrong faith, wrong knowledge, and wrong conduct. Therefore after knowing them well, leave them. I describe these three in brief, please listen.
Mithya Darshan Wrong faith and wrong
Mithya Charitra Doing things which takes you opposite towards the path of liberation
Mitya Darshan Wrong Faith
Agrahit Mityatva Happens from the sanskar or from the previous life
Grahit Mityatva Something which you acquired by the wrong preaching of someone
5 Kinds of Mityatva = Wrong Belief
- Ekanta Mithyatva is a one-sided belief. When you understand something partially and think what you know is complete (new sects created). For example, you look at a ripe mango which is yellow. Its properties are that it is sweet, yellow, ripe, and juicy. However with Ekanta Mithyatva you would only say that the mango is yellow.
- Viprita Mithyatva is a contrary belief. However things are, you consider them to be the opposite of what they actually are. For example, to believe body as to be the soul.
- Sanshaya Mithyatva is a doubtful Belief. In the doubt state you do not know which is the REAL truth. For example, whether the soul is the doer of his own actions or the doer of someone or something else's actions.
- Agnaan Mithyatva is ignorance. You do not have wisdom to know what is right and wrong. For example one believes it to be a religious act by killing and offering an animal to the deity.
Vinaya Mithyatva is treating all Gods and all religions of different sects to be equally right (having veneration with non-discriminating attitude).