English Translation:
Durlabh Lahi Jyaun Chintaamannee,
Tayun Parjaay Lahee Trasatannee;
Lat Pipeeli Ali Aadi Shareer,
Dhari-Dhari Maryau Sahee Bahu Peer.
Just as it is rare to find a precious jewel, so it is equally are rare for the living being to transgress from the stationary life of one sensed beings to a mobile life of two to four sensed beings such as a worm - two sensed creature, ant - three sensed creature, or beetle - four sensed creature. Yet again in all these states the living being continues to endure suffering.
Further Discussion:
There are two types of living beings: Stavar and Trass.
Stavar beings CANNOT move on their own will. Whereas Traas beings CAN make a move according to their own will.
There are an infinite number of stavar beings and only an innumberable amount of traas beings.
Stavar include all one sense beings
Traas include all 2, 3, 4, and 5 sense beings.